Okay so, this is one heck of an overdue post.
Last couple of months were really crazy for me, July - now basically. (Still is!)
I worked heaps during the mid year holiday (partly because I got thrown into it at work from people quitting) and to save up to.... MOVE TO SYDNEY!
I'm basically living here for now because I want to find a job here during/after my studies. Most of the larger and successful companies are based in Melbourne and Sydney, so I felt like Brisbane didn't have much to offer me and decided to be reunited with some friends in good old Sydney.
When I say a lot has happened, this includes being homeless (I crashed at a friends) for more than a week, finding out I almost could have failed uni because I started the semester so late (I left Brisbane after 3 weeks into the semester) and working out my finances.
But now I'm finally settled in - not 100% though, because all my assessments are looming and I still have lots to catch up on.
I've done a fair bit of shopping - for my new room which didn't have much besides a bed, shelves and a crappy little table + chair. So I have a MASSIVE homeware (on a budget too!) haul to show and some new pieces (beauty, fashion, jewellery). Yes, I was naughty and purchased things and went shopping even though I shouldn't be!
My first day arriving into Sydney with basically my life packed away into two large suitcases, I went out for brunch with my best friend of almost 13 years and did the Bondi walk.
One major thing that happened as soon as I landed at the airport - my phone fell into the toilet. Typical me, the weirdest things always happen. Basically it fell out of my coat pocket because the pocket was so shallow. Needless to say, my phone did not survive and all the photos I had taken with it are gone forever :(
She's been my friend for the longest time than anyone else I've ever met ♥ |
The coastal walk is seriously beautiful - you can stop whenever and go back because it's just one long trail that goes through roughly 3 different beaches (Bondi to Bronte).
I'm so excited to be blogging after the long disappearance even though I should be studying! I have so many more posts coming up!