Monday, September 22, 2014

50 Facts About Me: Part 2

26. I hated banana until only recently - I still only like the actual banana that is slightly unripe.
27. I NEED to have bright lighting in my room at night.
28. I like sleeping in complete darkness, including in the morning. So my curtains need to cover every nook and cranny of the window.
29. I am somewhat competent at origami, crafts and wrapping gifts - basically things requiring fine motor skills.
30. I have to wear orthotics because I have flat feet and terrible posture. (If you don't know what flat feet are, google it in terms of podiatry.)
31. Hence, you will usually find me in enclosed shoes.
32. Boots and sneakers are my favourite.
33. I've always had at least one pair of plain black boots in my wardrobe since I was 12 or something.
34. I still have my first pair of Nike's from 7 years ago. (Clearly I don't wear them much.)
35. I really love cherries, blueberries and strawberries.
36. I used to hate cinnamon, but I can't live without it now.
37. I avoid eating gluten and dairy because of the discomfort after, like bloating and indigestion.
38. I'm partially lactose intolerant; my body can't handle things like cold milk but does okay with cheese and yoghurt.
39. I have always hated cow's milk though, I think it tastes like some animal-pungent vomit-like liquid cream. Pls don't hate me, milk-lovers!
40. I only really like dark chocolate and even better, MEGA dark chocolate!
41. Fact 39 and 40 is why I hate chocolate ice cream.
42. I need a pillow between the headboard and the actual pillow I sleep on - Apparently it's ACTUALLY A THING.
43. I used to be a massive tomboy - probably not that surprising though.
44. Pink is one of my least favourite colours, and khaki green (the kind that looks like the colour of bird crap) is one of my favourite.
45. Not a huge fan of handbags, I think they're a nuisance to carry and sometimes hurt my shoulder.
46. I like to think that I am an adventurous person, despite the fact I haven't really done anything adventurous, because I'd say yes to a lot of crazy things!
47. I can eat a whole lime (raw).
48. I have sensitive skin; I can get a rash on my chest/stomach from chlorine and some body products.
49. I don't even know how to describe my personal style, it's some kind of boho-grunge-chic mix that can be quite put together or pretty much just a combination of loungewear...
50. According to the Myer-Briggs personality test, I am an I-N/S-F-P.

Friday, September 19, 2014

50 Facts About Me: Part 1

My first post on this blog, includes some random facts so you can get to know who I am.

1. I have posted a 20 facts about me on Instagram. Check dat out!
2. I have experienced childhood in both Korea and Australia.
3. I am 5"3. I say this because I range from 160-162cm. (IT'S STILL A DIFFERENCE!)
4. I'd would rather be awkwardly tall, like 175cm and not my average short height.
5. I can drink quite a lot for my size.
6. I wash my hands so much they are almost always dry.
7. A moderate make-up day for me is moisturiser, a quick brow fix, some eyeliner and maybe concealer.
8. Even though I don't like the feeling of makeup on my face, I enjoy putting it on and playing around with it.
9. I used to be a fussy eater as a child, but I grew to like a lot of things.
10. I have separate towels to dry my feet, hands, hair and body.
11. I am usually not a morning person, and I'm especially cranky if people wake me up when I need to be sleeping.
12. I experience a day of being pretty much 'hungover' if I don't get much sleep overnight.
13. I can't eat a lot in one sitting, so I feel hungry quite frequently.
14. If I am really hungry though, I can eat more than guys.
15. I sleep a lot more than the average person.
16. I seem quite shy and unapproachable, but once you get to know me you will realise how retarded I am and how easy it is to talk to me!
17. I have an anxiety disorder & depression. (You may be surprised at this). Don't worry, I've been to doctors and psychologists and stuff about it
18. Please usually know me as the happy-hyperactive kid though!
19. I get annoyed by people who are insensitive to genuine depression/anxiety. It's a flaw in brain chemistry, not personality. I highly really wish the term 'mental illness' isn't as taboo as it is considered. 
20. If I refuse to attend something and persistently bring up excuses, it's most likely that I feel incredibly uncomfortable going to that event and will get really nervous and anxious.
21. I used to be extremely sporty -- swimming, running, athletics, netball, basketball to name a few. Now, my exercise is literally going to the bus stop... if I walk. I really need to get my fitness back...
22. My IQ is 128 - I got tested at some centre when I was younger.
23. I have contemplated moving to Sydney way too much, because I like it that much better than Brisbane. I can't make it happen right now though.
24. My favourite toys as a kid was my digimon, beyblades and puzzles.
25. I used to be almost bald as a toddler, but now I have a crap ton of hair.