Showing posts with label snacks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snacks. Show all posts

Monday, December 01, 2014

Snack Attack!

So, I love snacks. WHO DOESN'T?!

I like to eat when I'm bored, I like to eat when I'm hungry, I like to eat when I'm not hungry, basically I just like to eat. But I don't eat a lot at once, so I usually need to eat smaller bits more frequently, which actually leads to eating a lot of snacks... which isn't always the best for you.

But never fear, because healthier snacks are here! Obviously don't eat these in place of a proper meal, but it's a lot better than eating a ton of junk food (I still need a little bit of that too hehe).

Eating the least processed type of food is the best way to go, because that way there's less additives in there and you're eating the more purest form of real food.

Nut-based bars are really great, because they fill you up, give you sustained energy and they taste amazing! Most of the raw bars that I like are nut-based, and usually made of dates, almonds and cashews.

Chocolate can be healthy too as long as you don't eat the entire block, and the darker it is, the better it is for you. It's packed with antioxidants and it honestly satisfies my sweet tooth cravings more than anything else. Well, how can it not, it's chocolate!

Some of my favourite bars and one type of dark chocolate I usually get. I also don't normally eat protein bars because they're usually loaded up with a load of bad things, so it's quite a treat when I do have one. Even when I do, I get the most natural/unprocessed type I can get without artificial sweeteners colours, flavours of preservatives.
These two are my all-time favourite snack bars, and they're both' raw. The first one has cocoa liquor in it, which gives it a genuinely chocolatey-taste without the yuckiness and sick-feeling you get from eating actual chocolate. It's basically a "healthy" chocolate bar.
The second one is so good because it's practically a muesli bar made up of everything unrefined. It's tastes all coconutty and coffee-like, and satisfies any cravings.
I don't know how these tomatoes are made/grown, but they are out of this world! It's nothing like regular cherry or grape tomatoes. It's softer, but not in the ew-it's-not-fresh kind of way, they're like tiny balls of a tomato-melon hybrid. It's unbelievably sweet compared to a regular tomato, and I have been going back for more week after week.

These are just some of my favourite healthier alternative snacks, but I can name a ton more that incorporates smoothies, cereal and even popcorn into the mix. It's just nice to know you can eat a chocolate bar without feeling guilty though, and having muesli bars on-the-go is really handy!